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The artist of the month!

Good morning! I would like to share with you that I've been chosen the artist of the month in Rehegoo Music Group! I'm really happy and appreciate it so much. I've put a lot of work and commitment to my music. Last time, one of the Rehegoo members asked me for an interview. You can see it below. Enjoy! :)

Rehegoo Music: Why do you do what you do? Lynn Samadhi: I like how being a musician forces you to be able to do many things! Compose, create, listen, live what you are trying to teach others! It's hard to be bored when you've got so many different things to do. Rehegoo Music: Ambition or talent: which matters more to success? Lynn Samadhi: It's difficult to answer this one! I think that you need both to succeed Rehegoo Music: What would you like to own that you don’t currently possess? Lynn Samadhi: I really would love to purchase a Burmese Cat! Rehegoo Music: What’s your biggest extravagance? Lynn Samadhi: A trip to India. Rehegoo Music: In what place are you happiest? Lynn Samadhi: In a yoga studio. Rehegoo Music: What drives you on? Lynn Samadhi: I really like providing mentoring and coaching. Seeing people understanding what I'm trying to pass onto them, makes me feel like what I'm doing it's worth my time! Rehegoo Music: What is the greatest achievement of your life so far? Lynn Samadhi: Being able to do Sirsa Padasana - Head To Foot Pose. Rehegoo Music: What is your earliest memory? Lynn Samadhi: My mother singing to me. Rehegoo Music: What did you want to be when you were growing up? Lynn Samadhi: I wanted to be a teacher. Rehegoo Music: What is your most embarrassing moment? Lynn Samadhi: I wanted to ask this boy in school out. When I got very close to him I got so scared that I just turn back and runoff. I was so embarrassed that I asked my mum if I can be homeschooled from now on! I think I was 13. Rehegoo Music: What is your guiltiest pleasure? Lynn Samadhi: Chicken Tikka Masala – can't get enough! Rehegoo Music: What would be your dream job? Lynn Samadhi: Yoga instructor in south India! Rehegoo Music: What song from your Album is your favorite? Lynn Samadhi: Attraction of Love and Meditation! Rehegoo Music: Thank you so much!



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